Changing of the Guard


With seven national museums, Parliament Hill, iconic Canadian treats and year-round outdoor events and activities, the Ottawa region is as Canadian as it gets. Experience the entire country's culture, sights and flavours - all in one place!

The not-for-profit 613flea is a humongous once a month marketplace held in the historic Aberdeen Pavilion at Lansdowne Park in Ottawa.
Bank of Canada Museum
Bank of Canada Museum
Create your own avatar and learn about the important role you play in the economy. Hands-on exhibits illuminate everything from the psychology of economic expectations to the history of bank note design.
A uniquely Canadian tradition, hand-made Beavertail pastries are served up with a variety of toppings at special events throughout the year and at the permanent kiosk in the ByWard Market.
Bytown Museum
Bytown Museum
Housed in Ottawa’s oldest stone building, the Bytown Museum explores the city’s history, from the construction of the Rideau Canal until today.
Canada Agriculture and Food Museum
Canada Agriculture and Food Museum
Delight your kids at this farm within the city, where they can meet farm animals and learn where their food comes from.
Canada Army Run
Canada Army Run
Canada Army Run is unlike any other run in the country.

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