Canadian Museum of Nature

Canadian Museum of Nature

Follow Canadian Museum of Nature

Explore the fascinating science related to fossils, mammals, minerals, birds, plate tectonics, Arctic discovery and more in a historic building minutes from Parliament Hill.

At the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, you'll learn about the country's wild spaces—from coast to coast to coast—through exhibits and interactive activities. It's like a trip across the country (and, in some cases, around the world), all in one castle-like building!

The Canada Goose Arctic Gallery immerses you in a chilly atmosphere created by real ice, then shines a light on Indigenous traditions, polar bears, tundra wildflowers and more. In the Water Gallery, you can see an enormous blue whale skeleton, as well as live water creatures, including a spotted turtle and a moon jellyfish. Try to identify woodland songs and learn how to care for injured birds in the Bird Gallery. Explore a life-sized model of a limestone cave, learn how earthquakes happen or build a model volcano in the Earth Gallery.

Live creatures are also presented, including owls and a Bald Eagle in the outdoor Owls Rendez-Vous exhibit. In addition, you can wander among beautiful, live butterflies in a tropical oasis, and see beetles, stick insects, cockroaches and more in the Nature Live space.

More Details

240 McLeod Street, Ottawa, Ontario
Toll Free
Major credit cards accepted
Accessibility: Entry
Accessibility: Washrooms
Dates & Hours of Operation
From June 1 to Labour Day: open DAILY from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Thursdays until 8:00 p.m. AFTER Labour Day until May 31: CLOSED MONDAYS, except for holidays and Ontario/Quebec school breaks. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursdays until 8:00 p.m. Closed on December 25. Closed as of 2:00 p.m. on December 24.
Reservations (General Public)
Reservations (Large Groups)
Distance to Rogers Centre - formerly Shaw Centre (km)
Distance to Parliament Hill (km)
Distance to airport (km)
Admission (regular adult price)
11 CAD to 15 CAD
Time Needed to Visit
Student Friendly
Coach Parking
Within two blocks
Comp policy for the Driver and/or the Escort
Driver only
Fully-Independent Traveller Rates Offered
Group Menu Available
Group Rates Offered
Maximum Group Size
Exhibit Loading Dock Available
Outdoor Venue Available 
Venue Type
Museum or gallery
Venue Accessibility: Entry
Number of Meeting Rooms/Private Spaces
Total Square Footage of Meeting Space
Size of Largest Meeting Room (Square Feet)
Capacity of Largest Meeting Room (Reception Style)
Capacity of Largest Meeting Room (Theatre Style)
Capacity of Largest Meeting Room (8’ X 10’ Booths)
Capacity of Largest Meeting Room (Banquet Style)
Outdoor Capacity
Primary Type
Restaurant capacity (Full)
Serves Breakfast
Serves Lunch
Meeting spaces
Space Area Banquet Theater Classroom U Shape Hollow Square Boardroom Half Rounds Reception
Activity Rooms A&B 0 72
Barrick Boardroom 730
Hatch Salon 2900 160 220 250
Earth, Water or Fossil Gallery 0 200
East Wing Foyer 2550 120 150 200
Fourth-Floor Gallery 7200 240 350 400
Queens' Lantern 1200 60 110 100
Rotunda 3479 100 150 200
Stone Wall Gallery 0 160
Theatre 1830 161


Canadian Museum of Nature

Canadian Museum of Nature

240 McLeod Street
Ottawa ON K1P 6P4

Canadian Museum of Nature

Canadian Museum of Nature

240 McLeod Street
Ottawa ON K1P 6P4

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