National Remembrance Day Ceremony

National Remembrance Day Ceremony

November 11, 2025

Each year on November 11, the Royal Canadian Legion hosts the National Remembrance Day Ceremony at the National War Memorial in Ottawa to commemorate the men and women who have served in Canada’s military. The ceremony starts at approximately 10:45 a.m. with the arrival of dignitaries such as the Prime Minister, the Governor General of Canada, and the Silver Cross Mother – a woman whose child has died while serving in the military. Additional programming includes the national anthem, two minutes of silence, a wreath-laying ceremony and a rousing fly-past (weather permitting). At the end of the National Ceremony and throughout the day, people remove poppies from their coats and place them on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The tomb is covered in red poppies by the end of the day.

Members of the public can also show support by purchasing a wreath. These will be pre-positioned by staff around the National War Memorial for the ceremony to act as a visual symbol during the event. You can also contact your nearest Legion Branch to purchase a wreath which will be placed at a local commemorative event. All proceeds go to the Legion Poppy Fund in support of Canada’s Veterans and their families.

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National War Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario

National Remembrance Day Ceremony

National Remembrance Day Ceremony

National War Memorial -
Ottawa ON

National Remembrance Day Ceremony

National Remembrance Day Ceremony

National War Memorial -
Ottawa ON

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