Shine On Program

Frequently asked questions about Shine On

Shine On Academy inquiries

Is there a cost associated with the Shine On Academy?

No! It is completely free to enroll and complete the course.

How long does it take to complete the course?

Generally, it takes users approximately three hours to complete the course, including all activities and quiz questions. However, it might take some people shorter, and some longer.

Who can enroll in the Shine On Academy?

Anyone in the tourism industry can enroll in the program, from front line staff all the way to business owners and General Managers, whether it’s your first day on the job or you’ve been in the industry for years. There’s always something to learn about the destination!

Will I have to recertify?

Shine On Academy graduates are required to recertify after three years. But don’t worry – we will send you a reminder.

What languages are offered?

The course is offered in both English and French.

What perks do I get form completing the program?

First and foremost, those who complete the program can call themselves an Ottawa Host, get to learn about the destination, the basics of customer service, and gain a deeper understanding of the tourism industry in Ottawa. Graduates also receive a certificate and a virtual badge to add to an e-mail signature, as well as access to exclusive newsletter content about the program and about news and attractions in the destination.

Shine On Awards inquiries

Can I nominate myself for an award?

No, only supervisors can nominate employees. If you are an employee who is interested in being nominated for a Shine On Award, speak with your employer and ask them to submit a nomination on your behalf (make sure to remind them of your great track record delivering excellent customer service!)

I am a visitor who had a great experience in Ottawa. Can I nominate someone for a Shine On Award?

Only supervisors can nominate employees, but we’d still love to hear about your positive experience. If you fill out the Visitor Inquiry Form, we will forward it along to the appropriate contact and encourage them to consider your experience when nominating staff for the Shine On Awards.

What are the award categories?

Award categories are: Exceptional Leader; Exceptional Service: Shopping; Exceptional Service: Restaurant/Culinary; Exceptional Service: Hotel; Exceptional Service: Transportation; Exceptional Service: Heart of House; Exceptional Service: Festival/Banquet/Event; Exceptional Service: Tour Services; Exceptional Service: Attraction; and Exceptional Service: Guest Relations. Visit the Shine On Awards to learn more!

Who are the Shine On Awards for?

The Shine On Awards are open to all organizations within our membership, including restaurants, retail, attractions, and more.

What if I’m not sure who to nominate?

Think about employees who consistently go above and beyond, provide exceptional service, or show innovative thinking. They are all excellent candidates!

Is there a limit to the number of nominations per organization?

Yes, each organization can nominate a maximum of one employee per award category.

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