With an indoor pool—along with free wi-fi, breakfasts and parking—this extended-stay hotel in Ottawa’s west end is a comfortable, affordable choice.
Make yourself at home at TownePlace Suites by Marriott Ottawa Kanata, where amenities include a fitness centre and a 24-hour convenience shop. Cook dinner in your fully equipped kitchen, sear some steaks on the outdoor grill or check out one of the many nearby restaurants. After dinner, catch up on work at your spacious desk or catch a show (including HBO programs) on your flat-panel TV. And if you’re travelling with family or friends, there’s lots of room to spread out. Some rooms include two queen-sized beds, while most others feature a pullout sofa. One- and two-bedroom suites are also available.
Located in the west-end neighbourhood of Kanata, this property is close to the Canadian Tire Centre (home of the NHL’s Ottawa Senators), the Bell Sensplex athletics facility, and great shopping at Tanger Outlets and Kanata Centrum. Downtown Ottawa is just 23 kilometres away, along nearby Highway 417.
More Details
TownePlace Suites by Marriott Ottawa Kanata
1251 Maritime Way
Kanata ON K2K 0J6
TownePlace Suites by Marriott Ottawa Kanata
1251 Maritime Way
Kanata ON K2K 0J6
TownePlace Suites by Marriott Ottawa Kanata
1251 Maritime Way
Kanata ON K2K 0J6
TownePlace Suites by Marriott Ottawa Kanata
1251 Maritime Way
Kanata ON K2K 0J6
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