Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

June 5 - October 15, 2024 (Wednesday to Sunday - 10AM-5PM)

The Centre d'art populaire du Québec promises to become a fixture on the Montreal-Ottawa axis.

14 exhibitions in over 6,000 sq. ft. from June 5:

  • A unique collection of classical and contemporary sculptors
  • An exceptional exhibition of quilts,
  • A beautiful display of duck decoys.
  • A fireworks display with an immersive luminokinetic experience of works by Florent Veilleux (who has previously exhibited at the Rockfeller Center in New York).

Don't miss the season opening on June 5 and the rendez-vous de l'art populaire, from June 21 to 23!

More Details

Centre d'art populaire du Québec, 276 Desjardins Road, Plaisance, Québec

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Centre d'art populaire du Québec
276 Desjardins Road
Plaisance QC J0V 1R0

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Centre d'art populaire du Québec
276 Desjardins Road
Plaisance QC J0V 1R0

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Centre d'art populaire du Québec
276 Desjardins Road
Plaisance QC J0V 1R0

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Folk Art "folle saison" 2024

Centre d'art populaire du Québec
276 Desjardins Road
Plaisance QC J0V 1R0

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