This umbrella organization supports, develops and sustains the heritage sector in Canada’s capital region to ensure residents have access and can engage with local history.
Capital Heritage Connexion (CHC) empowers the sector through collaboration and development opportunities, as well as cultural leadership. Stakeholders include organizations, businesses and individuals such as museums, archives, heritage buildings, natural sites, scholars, supporters and more. The CHC advocates on their behalf at all three levels of government and within other realms.
During Heritage Week each year in February, the CHC hosts Heritage Day to highlight special events and programming that encourage locals to embrace their heritage.
More Details
Capital Heritage Connexion
504 - 280 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa ON K2P 1R7
Capital Heritage Connexion
504 - 280 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa ON K2P 1R7
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Stanley's Olde Maple Lane Farm Sugarbush